Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Christ-Centered Passion in a Sports-Centered Culture

Let the madness begin! As conference tournaments come to an end we are seeing teams enter into the magical journey of the Big Dance. Basketball fans across the country are strategizing the best ways to see as many games as possible and are going to extreme lengths to make it happen. Every office in the country is itching to start their bracket pool. People are planning their “sick days” for opening weekend. To sum it up, passion is running rampant.

What a person is passionate about is a great test of the heart. With that in mind we all need to check where our passion lies. It is a fact that we all live in a very sports centered culture. If you are reading this blog then there is a good possibility that you are one of those crazies who will be watching game after game.

Let me take a moment to clarify. Passion is not bad. In fact, God is the one who created us to be passionate people. When it becomes sinful—idolatry—is when our passion for March Madness (or any other athletic venues) outweighs our passion for Christ. So enjoy athletics and be entertained. I know I am! But remember where your true source of joy comes from.

So, as March Madness comes storming in, where will your passion lie? Is the Gospel something that gets your blood pumping? We need to immerse ourselves in the truth of the Gospel and God’s Word so that passion just pours out of us at the thought of Christ. If not, maybe this March marks the time that we all need to prioritize what drives us in life.

Brian Conklin
Omaha FCA Area Director

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